Architectural Designer, Planner, LEED Green Associate, Assoc. AIA
Eleven Magazine Competition
Competition goal; to create a martian vernacular for the future colonization of the red planet. Software used: Rhino3D with Lumion 3D Rendering Engine.
Expansion is possible due to the uniform arrangement of the system, with additional paths and nodes easily enough extended out to enlarge the base. Intentions exist to grow the base steadily, with people following the robots out until a large enough population base exists to dedicate
energy towards constructing larger nodes and paths, until the difference between living a normal life in a pedestrian friendly area on earth and mars are imperceptibly different.
Arcology is an area of study that melds architectural design with the study and understanding of ecology. On earth arcologies have been hypothesized to homogenize the growing human population reducing expansive cities to condensed self-contained areas with enough natural resources
to be self-sufficient.
A number of architects have theorized such self-sustained environments in all shapes sizes and dimension. Frank Lloyd wright’s broadacre city is a rough but prototypical pattern for a self-sustained small population. In the 1950’s An architect named Paolo Soleri experimented with an Arcology in the desert of central Arizona in the United States. He combined the urban environment with the natural
environment using architecture to shape space and interactions with nature while encouraging the least amount of human impact on the natural area. his work was bold an explorative, but ultimately lost momentum into the later 21st century.
Mostly arcologies have been the dreams of science fiction writer imagining super cities or technological dystopias, but in reality arcologies are a sound solution to a problem; and that is
planetary colonization. It’s the perfect first step in establishing a human population. A self sufficient arcology is the birthplace for expansion and growth. As far as the future of mars ultimately
terraforming is the long term goal and I believe establishing arcologies and getting a working human population on the red planet is the perfect first step in becoming a celestial race of planetary beings. As once we were earthly cave dwelling protohumans exploring the wilderness of earth, now we
become celestial cave dwelling creatures exploring the wilds of the solar system.